Sunday, September 13, 2009

What is the Caucasus at a glance of vacationer?

Do you love


as I love him? .. Of course, you can always reply that in Tahiti you were not, and you are well and fed, but only if you look at this very eyes Tahiti love it man. And if in this case I would be hard to help you, in the case of the Caucasus, the situation is much better.

The first thing is to see in the Caucasus, a mountain. Dark blue and blue in the haze of green covering of dense forest, black and dark brown at dusk. Mountains stretch along the horizon, silently recalling the fact that there are things of genuine human life, which appeared long before you and will still remain the same in his place.

Winds along the slopes of the narrow road route, where each turn you see your own neck, then the matter seriously afraid to finish his earthly way SBI on-one in the gorge. Around the nearly impenetrable jungle with garlands of vines, patches of sunlight on the earth, poisonous snakes and small nimble lizards green and brown. Mountain streams, almost perennial, asleep in their beds, sometimes waking up to the waterfalls.

But the most wonderful, that is in the Caucasus - Sea . Diverse and multi-colored, it can be calm, agitated, angry or playful. Emerald on a clear calm day, the blue on the horizon, a lead in the storm and the orange-red at sunset, it greets you every day, a contagious mood. It is calling for a walk under sail or have a lazy rocking on the waves, despite what the wind is blowing.

Caucasus in the season - is a human anthill swarming on a narrow strip between mountains and sea, whose lives are entirely subordinated to the rhythms of nature. It's beaches, rapidly empty on an overcast day or during a storm. This is not incomparable storm, causing a feeling the trembling of the knees, when the mountains repeats every peal of thunder, why it seems that the sky is about to collapse on your head. Torrential rains, under which you have the time wet to the skin, if any thread for you still remained.


tea plantations

in the mountains, mercilessly grills sun. This vine, twisting a balcony and climb the walls of houses. This ripening on the trees lemons and persimmon, on your eyes gradually change color from green to bright yellow and orange.

This southern markets, forcing imagine hundreds of such markets in hundreds of cities on the shores of the seas at all times, because the history of mankind, they seem to remain unchanged. Those scents of spices, mountains of fruit, vegetables and nuts, whole rows of fish and other sea creatures, many of which you first see with my own eyes. Peaches fist-sized adult male, who carefully big weigh Azerbaijani with a loud voice. Eastern sweets, it is unclear from what cooked, but one of its kind makes one want to taste them.

This is a plaque on the gate «

are dealt rooms

», alternating with signs «Free No rooms», which is significantly more in the summer. This cooking every two hundred meters of meat, pieces of which deftly turning the stern man with aquiline noses, and the bad eye. This wine is twenty varieties of hundred rubles per liter, which is trying, I remember «Fiesta» Hemingway.

Maybe you're lucky and you will not be deceived by travel companies, putting a beautiful room with a view to the city dump and facilities in the yard, not poisoned house wine or raw cat meat under the guise of a shish kebab. But even if you listed all the same to happen and, despite this, you will continue to rest in the Caucasus - that means you love him almost as much as I love him.

Marina Sereda


  1. I think its amazing that people get to see how beautiful the world is. I would love to see more pictures.

  2. in future hope for more pictures ;)
